You Need That Pay Rise To Build That New Home
You have probably been thinking about building your own home for some time now and the only thing that has been holding you back is a lack of funds and the fact that you haven’t had a pay rise in many years. Asking your boss for a pay rise can be a very difficult thing to do for a lot of people, because talking about money is not something that we enjoy conversing about. Many bosses try to avoid the conversation altogether, but when it comes to your career and your future, it is something that we all must do. We all work hard at our jobs and many of us feel that we are not fairly rewarded for our efforts, and so we get an itch about wanting paid for the work that we do, and that itch must be scratched. The thing to remember is that it is extremely unlikely that you’re going to get sacked when you ask for a pay rise, and there are only two answers to your question, either yes or no.
If you want that new house and you want to be able to call out NB Surveys, then you’re going to have to take the plunge and address the subject with your boss. As has been said, it is not an easy thing to do and so here are some tips to help you when you decide to ask the question.
- Understand what you’re worth – This is when you have to be very honest with yourself and figure out what you’re worth is in the business. It’s hard to figure out what you should be paid, so you probably need to go online to look at what other employers are offering their employees to work at the same position that you do. Your salary increase should be at least equal to increases in the general standard of living and this is a good place to start.
- Do it in person – It may be tempting to tell your boss via an email asking for a pay rise, but it is very impersonal. It is important that you talk to your boss face-to-face because they will respect you more because you have spoken to them directly and you have explained why it is that you should get a pay rise. While it may have been acceptable to get a job using social media, it is expected that you ask for your pay rise in person.
- Let your boss know – Don’t just surprise your boss with a request for a pay rise, because it will be a complete surprise for them and their go-to answer will be no. Let them know via an email that you wish to talk to them about a salary increase and set out a time and a place in which to talk about it. To understand more about wage policies, have a look here.
- It’s all about timing – Make sure you pick your time perfectly because if you ask your boss for a pay rise at a particularly difficult time of the year when sales are down and so are profits, in all likelihood they are going to deny your salary increase.
As long as you’re not greedy and you are realistic about your expectations, then your boss should be open to talking about giving you your much deserved salary increase.