Best Waste Reduction Strategies for Small Businesses

There is a good chance that the services of garbage disposal and waste management that your company provides are not as comprehensive or as cost-effective as they might be. Your company has the potential to save money and become friendlier to the environment if it implements a waste management program with the goals of decreasing […]

Top Financing Options for Small Business Acquisition

This is for anyone seeking local companies for sale or purchase loans. Relax! Even without millions in the cash, you can acquire your own business. Avana Capital can help you through this process! Most individuals assume the only method to fund a large business acquisition is to borrow the whole purchase price from a bank.  […]

3 Tips For Landing A Job When You’re Close To Retirement

If you’re nearing the time where people might ordinarily retire but you’re not ready to, be it for financial reasons or because you can’t imagine yourself leaving the workforce and moving into an assisted living community in a few years, you might find yourself on the hunt for a new job. And while you might […]

Reasons To Obtain Your Holistic Nurse Certification

Obtaining a holistic nurse certification has never been easier. Here at The Nurse Coach Collective, we’ve taken strides in helping registered nurses acquire their certification to start practicing holistic nursing. If you’ve ever thought about getting into the growing specialty, there’s never been a better time. By enrolling in our Transformative Nurse Coach Certificate Program, […]

5 Components of a Successful Strategic Communications Plan

Have you ever wondered why some businesses or organizations are always in the news while others can’t get any media coverage? The difference between the two is a well-executed strategic communications plan.  Developing an effective communications strategy requires more than just sending out a random press release or posting on social media when something newsworthy […]

Architecting As a Career

Architects are professionals who design, plan, supervise and construct buildings and sites. They work closely with engineers and construction crews to develop designs and plans for buildings. Their job requires a high level of creativity and problem-solving skills. There are many careers within the field, including landscape architecture, interior design, urban design and journalism. Communication […]

Using the Right Elements When Designing Infographics

Using infographics to convey information is a great way to create a visual aid that is easy to understand. However, it is important to remember that you need to use the right elements to ensure that your infographic has the right impact. Create a powerful title Using a good title to create an infographic is […]

How to Prepare for a CEO Career

Whether you’re interested in becoming a CEO or a philanthropist, there are a few different options available to you. You can work at an online MBA, become a hospital CEO, or become a venture capitalist. Each option has its benefits and downsides, however. Hospital CEO Getting hired as a hospital CEO requires a combination of […]

How to Become an Interior Designer

Having an interior designer on your team is an extremely beneficial aspect of any business, because an interior designer is able to work closely with clients, and can design and create spaces to suit their needs. But there are a number of skills that you’ll need to have, as well as qualifications that you’ll need […]