How To Save Money Around the House

Running a household does not come cheap but the right actions can make it cheaper to maintain.

1. Common Household Expenses

Typical monthly expenses can be broken down into several basic categories.

Home expenses

Beginning with your monthly rent or mortgage payment, Gas South utilities, food, internet, insurance, water, maintenance such as landscaping, repair costs, and other expenses that are related to your home. However, a good way to prepare for larger costs such as a new furnace would be to put money aside each month that is specifically designated for large home repairs.

Food expenses

From groceries to money spent on eating out or takeout, including coffee, these costs can add up quickly.

Child-related and pet expenses

Caring for your child and your pet will add many expenses to your budget, from toys, gifts, birthdays, and everything that their care requires. Your pet needs to be groomed, taken to the vet, fed and cared for.

Paying off debt

The list includes house payments, car payments, credit card payments, student loan and alimony payments.

Healthcare expenses

Believe it or not, you could easily waste money in this category. It can be as simple as choosing a name brand drug over a drug brand.


Transportation expenses include car payments, public transportation costs, gasoline costs and vehicle costs.

Personal care

This category varies greatly from person to person. Personal grooming implies toiletries such as a shampoo for some and regular salon visits for others.

Entertainment expenses

This is also a subjective category but it generally includes any type of money spent on fun. From vacation expenses to purchasing a new movie or going to a theme park. These are non-necessity expenses.

Miscellaneous expenses

You always have some expenses that don’t include any items that don’t fit into any categories. Basically, if you can’t find a category that seems right for an expense, you put it under “miscellaneous”.

2. How To Save On Household Expenses

Here are a few ways you can reduce your overall expenses and save for important goals like buying a house.

Bundle away

Moving your internet, phone and cable to one provider means getting a better deal.

Trim the extras

Examine your expenses, from data on your phone to multiple streaming services, and start making cuts to everything you can live without.

Use coupons and shop during sales

Just keep in mind that this strategy makes sense only when you buy things you would usually buy.

Get energy smart

The utility bill takes a big portion out of your monthly household budget but practicing energy-efficiency around the house as well as making it more energy-efficient can lower it. Turn off lights when you leave a room, unplug your devices when they are not in use to avoid phantom loads and buy only Energy Star appliances that consume much less energy.

Look for small pleasures

Fun doesn’t have to be expensive. Go on a picnic instead of eating out or make a picnic in your living room. Challenge yourself to have fun without spending a fortune.

Discover the DIY universe

You might not be into cooking, but with so many free tutorials, you can consider just trying it out. You can also find tutorials on how to fix anything within the house by yourself. Once people discover the power of becoming a DIYer, they get hooked and never go back.

3. Simple Overall Money Saving Tips

The reality is you will start saving money when you adopt healthy money habits which means thinking of your future. It’s not a rocket science and with just a few tweaks to your daily routine, you’ll be on fast track to saving money.


We often think of budgets with a negative connotation as we relate them to limiting our freedom, but the truth of the matter is that a budget is no more than a tool that helps us achieve financial independence. It helps us spend our hard-earned money wisely and in a way that is aligned with our life goals.

Eliminate debt

Debt robs you of your income. Don’t worry, it’s more of a behavior change than scary numbers. Just commit to freeing your income so you can make progress and achieve your savings goals.

Become a more aware consumer

Cancel any memberships you don’t use as well as automatic subscriptions. Learn about energy-efficiency practice and think of ways to apply them in your own life. Check the rates you are paying, including your internet, insurance and utility provider to make sure you have the best deal on the market. Ask about discounts.

Takeaway – Although running a household doesn’t come cheap, there’s plenty you can do to save money around the house. The more mindful you are, the better.

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